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19amoore's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

According to the article "honor or insult." Many schools have decided to change their mascots because students or fans were not proud of the mascot. Either they were funny or a joke or they were racist. In 1972 Stanford Univercity became one of the first major collages to drop its Native American mascot/logo to something different. Many other colleges have also switched their mascots/logos like St. John's Univercity in New York, and so did the Univercity of Illinois.

1 point

I also say that they should not ban school mascots that are Native American because they don't have them to be fascist they have them to honor the Native American people for what they did. It's not to be rasist it's to honor them for what they have done.

1 point

I am against mascots that are racist because people don't want to go to a school with a funny or embarrassing mascot. Abel cooper who is a Indian man said "his daughter became so offended, her eyes filled with tears and she asked if she could leave."

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