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1 point

I also disagree......according to the source "Should The Driving Age Be Raised To 18?" Studies show that, "raising the driving age will just create inexperience, accident prone, drivers at age 18 instead of 16."

Also according to the source "The Driving Age Should Not Be Raised" "they also seemed to forget that they also started driving at age 16, and they are perfectly fine."

Therefore the driving age should not be raised

Some people also might say teens don't need to drive but I disagree...according to the source " Should The Driving Age Be Rasied To 18?" "Teens need to ability to drive just as much as anyone else-to get to school to get to work and to sports or band practice"

The driving age should not be raised.

1 point

I DO NOT think the driving age should be raised! Raising the driving age won't change anything. From the source, "Should The Driving Age Be Raised To 18? they state, "Studies show that it is inexperience, not age that causes accidents." They also state, "Raising the driving age will just create inexperienced, accident-prone drivers at age 18 instead of 16."

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