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Newsletter Archive

The CreateDebate Newsletter is one way we keep our loyal debaters up to date as to what's going on with CreateDebate. Browse through past issues of the CreateDebate Newsletter by clicking on the links below. If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in the Newsletter, let us know.


Issue 4: June 18, 2008

What are you trying to decide?

Welcome to the fourth edition of the CreateDebate newsletter. Over the past month we've received a lot of feedback from you all about new features you'd like to see, and we've been spending lots of late nights (drinking lots of Redbull) getting them developed and rolled out. We have learned a lot about what you want thanks to your comments and suggestions for new features.

Remember to check out The CreateDebate blog frequently for new feature announcements, tips for becoming a better debater, and general ruminations from life here at CreateDebate. If you love CreateDebate and think that you know people who would also enjoy the site, please invite them to the beta.


The First Ever CreateDebate Town Hall Chat
Mark your calendars! On Thursday, June 26th at 4:00 PM EDT, we will host the first ever CreateDebate Town Hall chat. The entire CD Team will be online, ready to discuss your comments, questions and suggestions. The agenda is open, if you have specific topics in mind that you'd like us to address, please contact us. We're really looking forward to this opportunity to connect with all of you, we hope you are too! Be on the lookout for more information coming soon!

New Features

Check out just a sampling of the new features we've added to CreateDebate over the past few weeks to ensure CreateDebate remains the best debating site on the Internet.

Argument Tagging
We just rolled out Argument Tagging very recently, which really helps to summarize the central point of your argument, no matter which side you're arguing. The top three argument tags are now displayed for Popularity Contests while you're browsing debates so you can get a sneak preview of the debate. We are pumped to get this feature rolled out to help provide even more structure around your arguments to help distill the central points of each debate.

Choose Your Side
Many of you pointed out that you wanted to be able to choose the side your argument will support. Since many debates go several "favor" and "oppose" layers deep, there was some confusion about which side points were being allocated towards. To make things more transparent, now it's totally up to you to pick the side. This improves the integrity of the CreateDebate scoring system.

Voting History
A couple of weeks ago we rolled out a much needed fix for the voting buttons. Now, when you vote on an argument it automatically becomes 'greyed out' so you can keep track of what arguments you've voted on. You can also retract or change your vote at any time.

The CreateDebate Waterfall
Want to see the latest arguments that have been posted to CreateDebate, regardless of what debate they were posted to? Well now you can keep up with all the recent activity on CreateDebate via The Waterfall. Many of you have commented that you find The Waterfall to be a great all-purpose landing page since it serves up all of the newest content on a silver platter. We have also whipped up a new RSS feed that can deliver The Waterfall directly to your favorite reader.

The CreateDebate API
Want to integrate CreateDebate into your own website? Want to create custom XML and RSS feeds of your favorite debates? Well now you can thanks to the CreateDebate API. We've even provided all the documentation you need on exactly how to use the API to integrate CreateDebate into your feedreader or website.

How you can help

Many of you have asked what you can do to help us grow the CreateDebate community. To that end, we present to you several ideas on how we can continue to grow the user base to make CreateDebate better for everyone.

Become a CreateDebate Fan on Facebook
Now it's easy for you to keep up with what's going on at CreateDebate directly from Facebook. Simply add yourself as a fan to the CreateDebate Facebook Group and keep in touch with CreateDebate on Facebook. While you're there, be sure to invite all of your friends to become fans of CreateDebate as well!

Forward the CD newsletter to your email Address Book
If you like CreateDebate and think that your friends and family may enjoy the site, feel free to forward this newsletter along to them to spread the word.

Add CreateDebate to Other Websites
Link directly to your CreateDebate profile by adding the HTML code under the My Profile tab labeled Widget. Simply copy the code in the gray box and paste it in your profile on any site or blog that permits HTML (i.e. myspace). The widget will always display your current pic and will link your friends directly to your CreateDebate profile.

Get back to the action! Click here to go back to CreateDebate.

We are really excited to see the CreateDebate community growing so quickly, and we love hearing your ideas on how we can make CreateDebate even better. We've got a bunch of new features planned for the summer, so be sure to check back frequently! Please help us to spread the word however you can, you really do make a big difference! We will continue to do our best to make CreateDebate the best social debating site on the Internet.

Warm Regards,
The CreateDebate Team

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